Sunday, October 31, 2010

The confusing facts...

Thia Buddha (made of resin) with small Fancy Jasper and Jade,
large ceramic and tiny jet beads
 When I decided to make a beaded piece of jewelry, I was rather niave.  I thought you went and picked out your beads and strung it together.  I'm learning the there are hundreds of different kinds of beads and they are all vastly different.  Not only in how they are made, but what and where they are made. 

I also had no idea that I would need "findings"...and would I like to use wire, elastic cord (stretchy or non-stretchy?) silk,'s an almost endless list, to say the least.

I'm going to try to "wade" through all the choices and how/why I make them.  I hope Coastal Bangel and Beads Blog will be informative and helpful to anyone wanting to either purchase or make beaded jewelry.

One of many beading wires...

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