Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Amazonite crystal
Amazonite, sometimes called the Amazon Stone, is a green variety of fledspar, but it isn't actually from the Amazon area.  Amazonite is a mineral of limited occurrence and was previously mined in Russia.  However, high quality crystals can now be obtained in a mine near Pike's Peak, Colorado, where it is found associated with smoky quartz, orthoclase, and albite in a coarse granite or pegmatite. Crystal Park, Colorado is a well-known locality for crystals of amazonite. Some other localities in the United States yield amazonite, and it is also found in pegmatite in Madagascar and in Brazil.

Because of amazonite's bright green colour when polished, amazonite is sometimes cut and used as a gemstone, although it is easily fractured.

Amazonite can be easily imitated with ceramics, so do ask if it is authentic when purchasing this stone bead.  It is available in a variety of shapes and sizes and makes wonderful beaded jewelry.
Amazonite Beads
Russian Amazonite

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